Natural honey in Turkey in general is very popular among many others, not only for Turks but also Arabs and worldwide, who are scrambling to get different types of honey from turkey, whose price and benefit are very high.
According to the Turkish Central Union of Beekeepers, there are more than 6.6 million beehives that produce more than 200,000 tons of honey annually, by 75,000 professional beekeepers.
The Turks value honey in gold, as the honey they produce is 100% natural and free from any preservatives, or chemicals, and has a distinctive natural flavor, which makes the demand for it increasing.
And not only that, the flowers that bees smell to produce honey are characterized by their many benefits for the body, and are a natural remedy for many diseases.
In this article, we will take a more in-depth look at the types of Turkish honey, its various benefits for the body, and the best places to sell this honey in Turkey.

Turkish honey benefits
Turkish honey has countless benefits, which is the first reason for the increase in demand for it, and the increase in its prices as well, and among those benefits are the following:
- Helps relieve pain, as honey contains natural pain-relieving substances.
- It helps to heal surgical wounds, by placing honey on the wound area, and drinking a spoonful of honey daily.
- Treats mouth wounds. Putting honey on wounds in the mouth acts as an antiseptic and anti-bacterial, which helps heal wounds quickly.
- Contributes to getting rid of lung diseases, as it is a purifier, and a natural antiseptic for the body.
- Regulates the functioning of the immune system.
- Eliminates tonsillitis.
- Eliminates inflammation of the large intestine and regulates its work.
- Positively affects the growth of the body, through the vitamins it contains, strengthens the body, and increases its immunity.
- Contributes to the removal of brain diseases.
- Removes skin spots: Putting honey on the spots scattered throughout the body helps reduce them and reduce their effects effectively, which is what the experiments have shown.
- It increases sexual strength, by eating a spoonful of honey for the couple before intercourse, helps the couple to have a good marital relationship without fatigue, and it also increases the process of ovulation and fertilization in the wife.
- Eliminates atherosclerosis and treats clogged blood vessels.
- It increases the ability to think, by putting a spoonful of honey in a glass of water and drinking it, it works to calm the mind.
- Contributes to the treatment of cancer diseases, research has shown that honey has the ability to resist cancer cells, cirrhosis of the liver, prevent the emergence of these cells, and give immunity to the body to resist them.
- It strengthens eyesight.
- Facilitates the work of the digestive system.
- Strengthens memory.
- Prevents diarrhea and opens appetite.
- It cleanses the blood of impurities.
- Regulates the heartbeat.
- It strengthens the bones.
- Contributes to the treatment of infertility, as it increases fertilization for both spouses, and increases the number of sperms for a man.
The best honey in Turkey
Turkey enjoys the presence of many different flowers, which means the diversity of honey, and the diversity of benefits it provides to customers, and the most famous and most important of these types are:
Natural Karakovan Honey:

This honey is produced in the state of Van, far southeast of Turkey, and this honey enjoys a local and international demand, especially in the Arab world, where it has become an important part of the Arab table. This honey has many benefits and does not contain any other additives.
The production of this Caucasian honey, which is considered the best Turkish honey for sale begins in the “Catak” area of the Turkish state of Van, where it is made within traditional cells called “earth cells” primitive, and this method has been used since the beginnings of the profession of beekeeping and honey production throughout history.
This honey contains large proportions of proline, which has multiple health benefits, within natural beehives that are also made of willow trees and coated with clay. The lack of pesticides and agricultural pesticides in the area in which we are located, which is very high above sea level, is another factor that contributes to increasing the quality of honey, the natural honey in Istanbul.
The original Taji honey:
The original Taji Honey Company is a Syrian company established in 1977. It started in Damascus, which is considered the oldest company for honey and perfumery in Syria. That company began exporting its products to 9 Arab and foreign countries, and recently moved to provide its services in Turkey, where the company’s experts produce and select the best types of Turkish honey and food. Royal of the Anatolian Plains and the Taurus Mountains. The company produces many different types of honey, Turkish and Arabic. One of the most famous types of honey produced by this company is the mixed flower honey.

It is a mixture of 5 distinct honeys: mountain, thistle, thyme, summer flowers, and spring flowers. Royal Sidr honey is another type produced by the company. This mixture of the original Sidr honey with extra royal food at 2% of the royal (therapeutic) mixture in the first place, which is useful in inflammation of the nerves, tendons and joints. This mixture is also recommended for the elderly as a general tonic to get rid of old age ( Preventive) is one of the common diseases of the age. It is also used as a tonic and sexual tonic for males and females. It is considered the best Turkish tonic honey.
Turkish Anzer Honey:
This honey is famous in the “Anzer” summer resort in the “Ikiz Dora” region in the province of Rize, northeastern Turkey.
This honey is produced in the foothills of the Rize Mountains, which reach an altitude of between 2,300 and 3,000 meters above sea level, overlooking the Black Sea coast.
Turkish producers are keen on raising bees of the Caucasian race, where bee boxes are placed inside iron cages closed with locks in order to avoid forest bears harming them.
There are many factors that affect the quality of this honey, including the weather, and placing bee boxes in places that allow exposure to sunlight at a certain rate on the slopes of the mountains, so beekeepers collect honey during the months of August and September of each year.
The honey is collected, the product is registered and sealed, after conducting the necessary analyzes on it in the laboratories of the Biology Department of the Faculty of Science at Hagat tepe University in the capital, Ankara.

The “Anzer Palli Cooperative” set the price of one kilogram of “Anzer” honey for this year at 900 Turkish liras (about 300 US dollars), and it was decided to sell it in fines, in the form of 250 and 500 grams, in order to meet the requests of customers, and give priority to the requests of patients. The production of this type of honey this year is very high, reaching about 2.5 tons, which is a record compared to recent years.
Turkish Elvish honey:
It is one of the most expensive types of honey in the world, as one kilogram of it reaches 6 thousand US dollars, and the reason for its high price is because it is extracted at a depth of 1800 meters from a cave in the Saricayir Valley in the town of Artvin in northern Turkey.

The reason for his discovery is that a beekeeper noticed in 2009 that some bees go down to the caves, so he thought that they might produce honey there. It is now considered the best natural honey in Turkey, as a sample was taken from it to France and analyzed to show that its health benefits are innumerable, so the first kilogram was sold in France for 45 thousand euros, and another was sold in China for 28 thousand euros, to settle the current price on Five thousand euros.
Turkish Sultan Honey:
This honey is produced from pine trees. It has many benefits for human health. It is a stomach tonic, heals ulcers, relieves self-consciousness, treats urinary incontinence, activates body cells, a sexual stimulant, treats stomach sagging, and removes phlegm. Therefore, it is an essential component of natural honey recipes. Natural honey in Istanbul .
By consuming a spoonful of this honey every morning helps restore the balance of enzymes in the intestinal cells that regulate digestion. Sugar is not added to this honey at all, so it combines energy in taste and strength in treatment. It is useful for many internal diseases, including asthma, chest allergies, sore throat, nephritis, colon, stomach, hemorrhoids and prostate.
Turkish Kumar Honey:
This honey contains a composition of epimedium or horny goat weed that improves blood circulation in the genitals. Most doctors recommend this herb as a treatment for male impotence, and it contains ginseng root. It improves blood circulation and sensitivity in the genitals in men and is also useful for women.
Turkish Royal Honey:
This honey is known as the best kind of honey for sexual strength. Its natural components activate the sexual power of both parties. It contains the raw material Royal Honey, which has been used for years in Europe and one of the most natural ways to enhance your sexual performance, as it is used by more than 5 million men around the world. Different chemicals at all, it is one of the most important types of natural honey from Turkey .
It allows the development of vessel tissues in the male organ, making it easier to develop.
Thanks to this feature, ROYAL honey has been produced when it can extend the duration of an erection longer, it is the most effective product among sexual power products.
honey prices in Istanbul
According to the Turkish Central Union of Beekeepers, there are more than 6.6 million hives that produce more than 200 thousand tons of honey annually, by 75,000 professional beekeepers of natural honey in Istanbul.
There are many different types of honey in Turkey, where three quarters of the world’s honey is produced in Turkey, due to the mountainous nature of Turkey, and the large number of apiaries in it.
The prices of honey in Turkey are very different between very expensive and medium prices, and the most important honey prices are as follows:
Anzer Turkish Honey:
The price of a kilo of it this year reached about 900 Turkish lira, equivalent to about 300 US dollars, which made it compete with gold prices.
Anzer honey is produced on the slopes of the mountains of the state of Rize, which rises between 2,300 and 3,000 meters above sea level, overlooking the Black Sea coast.
Karakovan honey:
This year’s harvest of the famous honey decreased, but its quality increased by a large percentage.
Because of the lack of production, the price of the aforementioned honey went up, and the price of one kilogram of it reached 150 Turkish lira (approximately 26.5 US dollars).
royal honey:
One package contains 12 sachets of royal honey, and its price is 51 US dollars.
coronary honey:
The types of honey offered by this company vary, each type has its different prices, and the price of half a kilo of coronary honey might reach 42 US dollars.
Ayder honey:
The price of a kilogram of Ayder honey, which is famous in Turkey, reached 300 Turkish liras, which is equivalent to about 140 dollars per kilo, due to its quality and the increase in demand for it in the local and international markets. Rize, overlooking the Black Sea, northeastern Turkey, natural honey in Istanbul.
Honey shops in Istanbul
Turkey is rich in many shops that offer the best types of natural honey produced by its apiaries that are spread throughout the country. Turks generally love honey, they eat it in the morning, as it is an essential ingredient on the breakfast table along with cream and jam, apart from eating it at different times, so it reaches The average consumption of honey in Turkey is one kilogram and 100 grams per year per person.
Natural honey farms abound in the mountains and forests of Bursa, and chestnut honey and pine honey are the two most famous types in the region. .
The types of honey produced in Turkey are better than in any other country, as bees spread citrus fruits, sunflowers, cotton, pastures, chestnuts and wildflowers, in addition to pine.
The volume of production of honey in 2015 is the largest in the history of the Turkish Republic, where the volume of honey production last year reached more than 103 thousand tons.
The Turkish Food Federation is resisting adulterated Turkish honey , by imposing strict conditions on honey producers to prevent fraud in honey production.

Among the most important stores that sell honey in Istanbul are as follows:
Eta Pal Store:
It is one of the most important raw honey manufacturing companies in Turkey, it started providing its services to customers since 1985 until now.
The company offers many different Turkish honey products, which are produced by apiaries in the north of Turkey, and the honey offered by the company is 100% natural honey, as the company is one of the first companies that put human health as a priority, so it got a reputation as the best place to sell honey in Turkey .
Their honey prices start from 70 Turkish liras, and some types may reach more than a thousand liras, such as Eta Pal golden raw honey, whose price reaches 1120 Turkish liras. Address: Kadıköy, Guneshli Bahçe Street.
Honey Slot Shop:
It produces many types of honey, especially honey produced from mountain flowers, also offers beeswax. It is undoubtedly the best honey shop in Istanbul . This shop has a website where you can shop, and buy everything you need of different types of honey, where the price and the number of fines are attached. Address: Fatih, Zayrek District, itfaiye Street.
Ishk Bharat Store:
This shop produces many products, including honey, beeswax, spices, and natural herbs. It is the best place to buy honey in Istanbul . The shop has an Arabic-speaking website. You can buy everything you need from this site. Address: Fatih, Darwishali District, Noureddine Takka Street.
Turkey Store:
It offers not only honey products, but all Turkish products, including accessories, dried fruits, Turkish sweets, and other different products that Turkey is famous for. The store offers special and attractive offers. Address: Besiktas, Levent Neighborhood, Beyaz Karanvel Street Natural Honey in Istanbul.
Importing honey from Turkey
Turkey’s revenues from honey exports amounted to 15 million and 95 thousand and 885 dollars in the first half of 2018.
This came according to data from the Turkish Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association. The data indicated that Turkey exported 3,706 tons of honey to 33 countries in the first half of 2018.
The data showed that Turkey’s honey export revenues amounted to $15,095,885, an increase of 77 percent compared to the same period in 2017.
She pointed out that Germany obtained the lion’s share of Turkey’s honey exports, which amounted to 7 million and 94 thousand and 33 dollars.
The United States ranked second, with exports worth 3,448,468 dollars.
Saudi Arabia ranked third with $936,298.
Eren Günhan Ulusoy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association, said that Turkey enjoys herbal richness and plant diversity.
He explained that this wealth contributes to supporting the Turkish economy day after day, noting that recent years have witnessed an important development in the production of honey due to the diversity of plants. For his part, he expressed his confidence in the increase in Turkish exports of honey year after year.
Before importing from Turkey, you must first deal with an import company that can facilitate deals for you, and evaluate the quality of the product that you will import without the need for you to travel.
Might interest you: Turkish tea, The favorite drink of the Turks came to Turkey 140 years ago
shipping companies:
Orient Pearl International Shipping Company: Provides shipping services for various products and sizes.
There are two ways to import honey:
The first method: through an intermediary:
By dealing with an import company, to buy the honey you want to sell, that company buys honey for you, delivers it to the country in which you live, and takes a percentage of the profits.
Method 2: Traveling on Your Own
You can travel to Turkey with an investor visa, and you open an office there, and through this office the purchase process takes place, you buy the products you want, and then send them to your country.
Tips before importing:
- To study the local markets to know exactly what you need from the products.
- Conducting a study or researching the local market, relying on a company specialized in the field of market research, to get accurate and fast results, even if it costs you a few hundred dollars.
- Importing honey from Turkey or anywhere in the world requires a license for an import and export company in order for the import operations to take place legally and to facilitate its evacuation from the ports by paying the customs dues.
Turkish honey occupies a great place in the Arab table, and it has become an important and inseparable part of it like the Turks, and the acquisition of Turkish honey that high capacity is not out of emptiness, but studies and research have proven the effectiveness of these types of treatment and medication, and that they are free from any chemicals, or natural honey additives. in Istanbul.