While many women want to reduce the size of the Buttock Augmentation, others always want a more feminine buttocks by augmenting the size of the buttocks. The rapid development of new technology is a response to the unquenchable desire to look good in order to improve the appearance and attractiveness of the body, and this is especially true for women who want to maintain their youthful appearance and body.
The demand for silicone buttock augmentation is growing everywhere in the world, as women from all cultures want bigger buttocks to increase their attractiveness and body beauty. The good news is that butt implants can provide convincing and impressive results for most patients. The contraindications and risks of potential complications are minimal compared to the promising beneficial effects offered by silicone buttock augmentation.
The results of this type of surgical procedure performed for buttock augmentation are undeniable. This can be due to the skill and competence of the plastic surgeon as well as the outstanding quality of the products that are used for silicone buttock augmentation. High-quality products without an experienced plastic surgeon cannot achieve a good result, and even a professional plastic surgeon cannot achieve optimal results with mediocre and low-quality implants.
To ensure the best results from Buttocks augmentation in Turkey , we at the Turkiyaholidays Center rely on professional plastic surgeons while providing the best types of international silicone implants of recognized quality from trusted medical bodies.
What is silicone buttock augmentation?
Buttock or buttock implants are artificial materials that a doctor places in the buttocks to add volume, improve shape, symmetry, and a natural look. This procedure is a plastic surgery, in which a solid silicone is added to the buttocks, and through it, you can increase the size of the muscles in this area. Thanks to this type of procedure, you can get permanent results and a firm shape of the buttocks. Silicone buttock augmentation is an outpatient procedure in which a professional surgeon makes an incision and inserts an implant in both sides of the buttocks. There are many options for buttock augmentation, but the main thing is to choose the procedure that works best for you.
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Standards for silicone buttock augmentation
Similar to breast augmentation with implants, buttock augmentation uses rigid silicone implants to increase the size and shape of the buttocks. A butt implant may be placed in the gluteal muscle, under the gluteal fascia or fibrous flap, or in rare cases under the skin and fat in the buttock. The implants are placed, one at each end, through a vertical incision in the middle of the buttock, just above the incision of the gluteal muscle.
Buttock implants are able to increase the prominence of the buttocks, thus increasing the size of the buttocks, but they have no effect on the lateral buttocks, lower back, or thighs. On the other hand, a Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic surgery of the buttocks area that uses a combination of liposuction and fat transfer to sculpt areas of the body around the buttocks, to increase volume, change shape, and lift the buttocks. Because butt implants are not flexible or able to be shaped in the same way as fat, silicone implants allow for less adjustment and customization than a Brazilian butt lift, but provide more projection to a given volume.
Because of these complementary effects, patients who wish to receive a silicone buttock augmentation but do not have enough fat to obtain a Brazilian butt lift by itself may benefit more from a combination of buttock augmentation, butt implants, and a Brazilian butt lift for more shape, sculpting, and a bottom lift. of the body and buttocks.
Before a silicone buttock augmentation with implants, the plastic surgeon at the Turkiyaholidays Center carefully examines each patient and pays careful attention to their particular concerns and desires. By adjusting his or her surgical technique and altering the surgical plan based on individual anatomy, wishes, and input, the physician can provide a custom-made silicone buttock augmentation that is tailored to accommodate each patient and his or her wishes.
Types of silicone implants in buttock augmentation
Each style and size of buttock implant has different dimensions, and therefore different sizes. Choosing the right style and size for silicone buttock augmentation depends on the desired need and the appearance your surgeon feels is appropriate to achieve the best and most natural appearance. Buttock implants are used primarily in buttock augmentation surgery and sometimes for reconstruction or treatment of asymmetry.

Buttock implants are often placed under the fascia, or what is called under the fascia, the fibrous lining that envelops the buttock muscles. Fascia is often seen as the covering of the muscle structure, providing lubrication and protection for the muscle fibers as they stretch and contract. Implants can also be placed in the intramuscular plane. The intramuscular level of insertion is commonly used when the patient is thin, has little body fat and both implant sites are well tolerated.
Generally speaking, buttock implants are available in 4 styles and the most common design is the third style, which is a circular implant. These implants can be used at both acceptable insertion levels and provide a uniform projection including upper shaft fullness. Non-directional implants virtually eliminate the problem of implant rotation, movement, or change in position. Directional implants, such as the first and second styles, refer to the general shape of the implant, and require a specific direction and position, because they are not symmetrical in all directions. This type provides an exceptional result when used at the subfascial level to achieve a pre-desired symmetry, based on your surgeon’s technical and aesthetic capabilities in achieving the appearance he feels is best for your body type. The fourth type is a customized buttock implant with reversed sides, left and right. Your surgeon can manually place all of the soft, hard implants in the direction that best suits your wishes.
Over the past years, silicone butt augmentation has undergone great improvements. Previously, implants used in other areas of the body were used as buttock implants. Some implants were very solid and were tactile where others could be felt through the skin. Breast implants have been used frequently with unfortunate results. Breast implants, whether they are gel- or liquid-filled, often rupture, emptying the fluid inside them at an alarming rate. Most current implants are made of soft, hard silicone and the hardness more closely matches the tissue it replaces. This provides a more stable implant and provides the natural sensation that the patient desires. Soft-rigid implants, unlike breast implants, do not tear or deflate over time.
The first type of silicone implant (flat implant)
Size | the offer | height | the size |
1 | 10 cm | 14.5 cm | 185 cc |
2 | 10.8 cm | 15.6 cm | 260 cc |
3 | 13 cm | 17.5 cm | 555 cc |
The first style
The second type of silicone implant (drop-shaped implant)
Size | the offer | height | the size |
1 | 12.2 cm | 14.4 cm | 190 cc |
2 | 12.2 cm | 15 cm | 225 cc |
3 | 12.3 cm | 16 cm | 290 cc |
4 | 12.8 cm | 17.4 cm | 375 cc |
5 | 13.7 cm | 18.3 cm | 485 cc |
6 | 12.3 cm | 16 cm | 430 cc |
The second style
The third type of silicone implant (circular implant)
Size | Diameter | length prominence | the size |
0 | 10 cm | 2.5 cm | 115 cc |
1 | 12 cm | 2.8 cm | 185 cc |
2 | 13 cm | 3.5 cm | 275 cc |
3 | 14 cm | 4.1 cm | 375 cc |
4 | 13 cm | 5 cm | 432 cc |
5 | 13 cm | 4.2 cm | 300 cc |
How to choose the best butt implant size
Just like breast augmentation with implants, everyone considering silicone buttock augmentation wants to know the best buttock implant size. As with breast implants, buttock implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters and standard buttock implants range in size from 115 cc to 485 cc per side. While this may seem small when compared to the average amount of fat injected per side during a Brazilian butt lift, due to its rigid silicone shape, the buttock implant provides more projection i.e. an increase in the front of the butt to the posterior dimension than the same amount of fat injected .
During the silicone buttock augmentation procedure, the doctor will conduct a detailed conversation and conduct a careful examination of each patient. With the information provided by the patient, the doctor will then be able to recommend the best size of buttock implant that will provide the safest, longest lasting, and most attractive results.
Silicone buttock augmentation cost
As with any plastic surgery, cost should not be the deciding factor when choosing a silicone buttock augmentation surgeon. Due to the years of training and the high level of skill required to perform this surgery well, only plastic surgeons who are certified by the international bodies for plastic surgery should be considered. We must always remember that all the surgeons accredited at the Turkiyaholidays Plastic Surgery Center are accredited by international and regional bodies in the field of plastic surgery.
The cost of silicone buttock augmentation varies according to the plastic surgeon and the country in which the procedure is performed. In most countries of the world, the average price of silicone buttock augmentation including implants, surgeon fees, anesthesia fees, and facility fees starts at around $8,000 and may reach around $25,000. The cost of silicone buttock augmentation increases with the complexity, additional surgeries, and increase in planned surgery time.
It is always possible to find a surgeon willing to perform silicone buttock augmentation at a lower price. However, many times these surgeons may not be qualified at all, but may instead be practicing general surgery.
But at the Turkiyaholidays International Center, we offer you silicone buttock augmentation services at the hands of the best plastic surgeons in the Middle East. The cost of silicone buttock augmentation at the Turkiyaholidays Center ranges between $1,500 and a maximum of $2,500, which is a small number compared to what you find in various other beauty clinics and centers.
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Who is suitable for silicone implants?
The best candidate for silicone buttock augmentation is the patient who is very thin with no excess fat deposits anywhere on the body and with a sagging butt who wishes to increase the size and girth of the buttocks. Patients with minimal amounts of excess fat may be better off getting a Brazilian butt lift, which uses a combination of liposuction and fat transfer to the buttocks to increase volume, improve shape, and reduce sagging buttocks.
For suitable candidates, a Brazilian butt lift can eliminate the need and risks associated with the use of silicone implants. In addition, unlike buttock augmentation using implants, a Brazilian butt lift allows for three-dimensional sculpting and augmentation of the buttocks, while buttock augmentation with silicone implants only increases the volume of the buttocks in the anterior direction.
To ensure that each patient receives the surgery that will give the best possible and safest silicone buttock augmentation results, the doctor performs a detailed history and physical examination during each augmentation procedure with a detailed consultation.
This information and the patient’s wishes and experience with silicone buttock augmentation allow the doctor to recommend the ideal procedure for each patient, whether it is a buttock augmentation with buttock implants, a Brazilian butt lift, or a combination of buttock implants with liposuction and fat transfer to the buttocks.
How to perform buttock augmentation with silicone
Based on your consultation with our plastic surgeon at Turkiyaholidays, he or she will determine whether the buttock augmentation procedure will include only butt implants, liposuction with fat grafting, fat transfer to the buttocks, or silicone implants only. Regardless of the procedure you choose, the first step will be the placement of the silicone buttock implant that has been agreed upon with your surgeon.
The doctor will place the butt implants either above or below the muscle depending on your preference, or under the skin and fat. The implants are made of soft silicone and are inserted through a small incision. The size used depends on how big you want your buttocks to appear and how stretchy your skin is.
After the implants are placed, if you and your doctor feel that liposuction will improve your body contour, your doctor will perform liposuction or body sculpting. It is usually done in the back, waist, abdomen or thigh areas to help define the hourglass body shape to accentuate the curves.
If a fat transfer is also performed with the procedure, the extracted fat will be filtered, cleaned and washed to purify the fat and prepare the fat for redistribution. After that, the pure fat resulting from liposuction is injected into the buttocks to get a beautiful shape.
We combine fat grafting with silicone implants where the fat helps soften the implant and round and enlarge the buttocks. It also gets rid of any pesky sebum or stubborn pockets of oil and generally provides a more natural look.
What can you expect during a silicone buttock augmentation?
With the patient asleep through general anesthesia, a 2- to 3-inch incision is made between the buttocks in the midline. Through this incision, the large buttock muscle is lifted and a pocket large enough for the silicone implant is created. The implant is inserted into its own pocket, and then the other side is finished.
Both sides are carefully screened to ensure that the results look natural and consistent. Dissolvable stitches are placed in the skin incision. A bandage is placed that provides pressure on the buttocks, which in turn helps reduce discomfort and swelling. The patient leaves the Turkiyaholidays Surgical Center within an hour or so after the two-hour procedure and the patient may be uncomfortable for the first several days.
The adhesive bandage that is placed during surgery to provide pressure and support is usually removed two to three days after surgery. At this time the patient can shower and begin to move normally. Results can be seen immediately but the buttocks look more natural and become softer with stretching of the muscles during the few months after surgery.
Full activities including going to the gym, cycling and running can usually be resumed about four weeks after surgery. It can take up to six or eight months for the results to feel as if they are part of the body and the patient forgets that there is an implant in their body.
Recovery after silicone buttock augmentation
The first rule of recovery from a buttock augmentation is to stay as far away from the butt as possible during the initial recovery periods. There are pressure pads that help make this easier by allowing you to sit with all your weight on your thighs. Swelling from implant placement and liposuction is completely normal after surgery.
While it takes weeks for the swelling to go down, you will be able to see the results of a rounder, fuller butt with an enhanced torso immediately after surgery. However, you won’t see your final results until you’ve fully recovered, which is usually within 6 weeks after surgery.
The recovery period is very important and we will provide you with a complete recovery protocol after surgery so that you have an overview of what to expect. Your doctor may adjust the protocol as needed and it is very important that you follow the post-operative recovery protocol, as not following the instructions can alter the final results.