Chin Augmentation surgery or what is called mentoplasty is a surgical procedure to reshape the chin, either by improving the appearance of the chin with an implant, or by bone reduction surgery.
Plastic surgery and other minor procedures associated with plastic surgery are often performed on the jawline and chin area to improve and proportion facial features so that they look symmetrical in order to help the patient gain self-confidence and self-love. These types of interventions are often suggested by board-certified plastic surgeons to improve the harmony of facial features and improve balance between the chin, jaw, cheek and forehead.
Sometimes the bone from the jaw itself can be moved forward in an operation called mentoplasty or genioplasty. Alternatively, silicone implants can be used to shape the chin to give more projection to the chin shape. On the contrary, the bones can be removed to reduce the exaggerated chin drop. The doctor may recommend adjustments to the upper or lower jaw to improve chewing dynamics, occlusion or how the teeth fit together. And their degree in terms of the rank of procedures can range from simple to very complex.
In many cases, the plastic surgeon may recommend that the patient who will undergo chin plastic surgery also undergo rhinoplasty in order to achieve the best symmetry of the facial features. Also, the size of the chin can increase or decrease the noticeable size of the nose.
In addition, with the recent advances in technology and after obtaining informed consent as a result of perusal and research and after reviewing all options, risks and benefits. The plastic surgeon may suggest to the patient to use an approved type of gel filler as an alternative to giving an increase in the shape of the chin area, but it may last for a shorter period.
Genioplasty usually involves placing a tissue or artificial material around the patient’s existing chin bone in order to increase the size and shape of the chin and achieve an attractive, more natural balance of facial features. When performed by an experienced, qualified plastic surgeon, chin augmentation surgery can provide a permanent solution to improving weak or hollow chins.
To know more accurate details about chin plastic surgery in terms of the surgical procedure and the aesthetic level targeted for your case, in particular, and cost details, you can contact us .

Why might a patient consider getting chin surgery?
If the patient is worried about the shape of his hollow or weak chin, or if he feels that his facial features lack consistency and proportion, chin implant surgery can help him feel more confident in his appearance. Specifically, chin augmentation can achieve:
- Improving the harmony of the facial features by bringing the chin in a more proportional manner with the other features of the face.
- Correct the appearance of a weak or hollow chin.
- Improve definition and clarity of the neck and jaw line.
- Helps reduce the appearance of a full or double chin caused by a small chin.
Choosing a facial plastic surgeon:
One of the most important decisions you will make when choosing to undergo chin surgery is who will perform the surgery for you. You will need to choose a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in the field of facial plastic surgery, in addition to his technical and aesthetic skills in carrying out the surgery, his previous training in such surgeries, and his proficiency and success in them. In addition, you must see some pictures of the cases that were operated on by this doctor, especially in the same specialty, so that you can evaluate the doctor before proceeding with the decision to start the surgery. Also, the doctor must have an aesthetic sense in assessing and treating patients.
During the first visit when consulting with one of the potential doctors, the patient should ask the doctor about the number of genioplasty surgeries he has performed and also make sure to look at other patients’ photos before and after the surgery and examine them well. The results that the patient will see should appear normal for each patient individually.
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How is chin plastic surgery performed?
Chin implant surgery is a procedure that is performed using general anesthesia or local anesthesia while giving the patient analgesic. Then the surgeon makes a small incision either under the chin or inside the mouth. Through this incision, the plastic surgeon creates a space for the chin implant and prepares it to fit the place around the chin bone.
Chin implant surgery alone usually takes less than an hour to perform, while if the patient will undergo additional operations in conjunction with the chin implant surgery, the operation time will increase accordingly. After completing the operation, the doctor will close the incision made during the surgery with stitches and may put bandages on the chin area.

What does chin plastic surgery look like?
The grafts that are implanted in the chin are either a tissue or a synthetic material. These materials are small and solid, made of materials that are biocompatible with the human body, usually silicone, which is shaped to fit the area around the patient’s chin bones. Chin implants vary in size, contour, and definition. The patient’s plastic surgeon will assist him in selecting implants (fabric or synthetic materials) that will achieve the desired degree of improvement and provide a more natural result for the shape.
When the implants are inserted into the chin, the patient will feel that these implants are very similar to the natural chin bone, and when they are performed by a qualified and certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in the field of plastic surgery, especially chin plastic surgery, it is usually impossible for anyone to notice that the patient has undergone an operation. Chin augmentation.
Recovery phase after chin implant surgery:
Most patients who undergo chin augmentation surgery have a relatively short downtime after which they can return to desk work and most other daily activities within 7 days after surgery. As for the discomfort and feeling of discomfort, it is usually very minimal and can be controlled and eliminated easily by using a pain reliever or making cold compresses.
The patient will need to sleep with the face up and the head elevated for a period determined by the doctor after surgery to help control postoperative swelling and keep the incisions from healing. The plastic surgeon may also ask the patient to follow a diet for a day or two after the surgery. Strenuous activity can usually be resumed within 3-4 weeks after chin augmentation. It is very important for the patient to follow the instructions of his plastic surgeon during the recovery period in order to ensure a good recovery and the appearance of great results as soon as possible.
The results are close to the final form within one month after the surgery and are considered final results after about 3 months of the surgery when the residual swelling has subsided.
Results should last over the years:
The chin implants used in chin implant surgery are very durable and strong medical devices and are designed to be permanent. While the aging process may affect the patient’s facial appearance in other ways, the improved chin contour will not change. There is a superficial risk that trauma to the face may damage a previously performed chin implant and may require further surgery to replace damaged implants.
Risks of chin implant surgery:
When chin surgery is performed by a qualified and certified plastic surgeon with a good amount of experience in cosmetic surgery, in this case, chin augmentation is accompanied by very few complications. Possible risks include infection, hematoma (internal bleeding), movement of implant placement, poor and deteriorating scarring, and side effects from anesthesia.
On the other hand, you can reduce the risks by choosing a plastic surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. They undergo comprehensive plastic surgery training after completing their studies and these procedures are performed in approved surgical facilities and use an American Board of Plastic Surgery-qualified anesthesiologist for general anesthesia.
Various options for improving the chin and jawline:
While many patients choose to undergo chin implant surgery alone quite often chin augmentation will be combined with other procedures to improve results.
Rhinoplasty + chin augmentation surgery:
Chin implant surgery can significantly improve the results of rhinoplasty. Chin augmentation combined with nose reshaping surgery is one of the most important combined facial contouring procedures and is the most common surgery.
Neck liposuction surgery + chin implant surgery:
Patients with excessive fullness in the area under the chin often choose to undergo neck liposuction at the same time as chin implant surgery. While fixing and strengthening the chin will help define and define the jawline on its own, removing excess fat from the area under the chin can also further improve the appearance of both the lower face and neck.
Types of chin plastic surgery:
Chin plastic surgery includes many types, including chin augmentation, chin reduction, hollow or double chin removal, chin slimming, chin contouring, and many other operations. Among the most important and common of these types are chin augmentation surgery, which is done by a plastic surgeon making an incision, often below the jaw.
Then the implant starts, which may be free tissues that are biologically compatible with the human body when mixed with the rest of the tissues. This is very important, as if these tissues are not compatible with the human body, the body will attack them as soon as they mix with the rest of the tissues.
Chin reduction surgery is suitable for patients who have a significantly large chin that is disproportionate to the rest of their facial features. In this case, he resorts to chin reduction surgery.
In the following, we will discuss in detail both chin augmentation and chin reduction. Firstly:
Chin augmentation surgery:
Chin aesthetic surgery is an excellent option for anyone who feels that the shape of their chin does not fit with the rest of their facial features. It is common for men and women that chin plastic surgery can be completed by means of face implants for chin augmentation or chin slimming, or by means of chin reduction surgery for those who wish their jaw to appear less prominent and protruding in their selfies.
Chin augmentation adds proportion and consistency to the appearance of the chin and increases balance with the rest of the facial features. A weak and thin chin makes a person’s neck look fat and full of fat.
It also accentuates the size of the normal nose and makes the shape of the large nose appear much larger than it really is. Chin augmentation through chin implant surgery helps to achieve harmony and harmony between facial features in addition to achieving balance in the structure and structure of the face in general.
Although chin implants have been largely overshadowed by other, more popular plastic surgeries, they can be an excellent solution for individuals who want to increase the size and shape of their chin. If you are not sure exactly what you know about chin implant surgery or how to perform it or if you are wondering about the price range of chin implant surgery.
The first important step before embarking on this procedure is knowing how to improve your appearance with chin augmentation surgery.
Candidates for chin implant surgery:
Chin augmentation surgery offers many aesthetic benefits. The following are the qualities that must be present in a good candidate to undergo the procedure:
- The patient who has a hollow chin.
- The patient who has a sharp and prominent chin or a wide chin with a square shape.
- The patient who has a prominent nose.
- The patient who has a fat neck full of fat.
- The patient who is at least 20 years old until the development and growth of the chin is complete.
Chin aesthetic surgery adds definition and clarity to the jaw and balances the appearance of a large nose. Chin implant surgery is often performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty in order to obtain the maximum degree of aesthetic effect.
It can also be performed with cheek implant surgery and lip augmentation for total facial balance.
Candidates for chin augmentation surgery should not:
- The candidates for surgery must be in poor health.
- Candidates have unrealistic and irrational expectations about the outcome of the surgery.
- Candidates have taken Accutane in the past six months prior to surgery (a drug that can affect bone growth and cause scarring of the marrow).
- That the candidate suffers from heart problems or high blood pressure.
- The candidate must have taken anticoagulants in the period immediately before the surgery.
Chin augmentation:
Reverted chin augmentation surgery uses chin implants to supplement the bone in the front of the jaw below the teeth. The artificial implant is placed under the skin, as it gives a permanent lift and increase to the hardness and contouring of the chin.
This chin augmentation method can give patients a well-proportioned chin shape that looks completely natural.
Chin augmentation is generally performed in the doctor’s office depending on the talent and ingenuity of the plastic surgeon but it can also be performed in the hospital. The length of time the surgery takes depends on several factors but is usually 45 minutes to an hour and a half.
And this depends on the plastic surgeon who will perform the operation and also based on the patient’s preferences and choices, whether using local anesthesia or general anesthesia.
An incision is made during the operation and is placed under the chin or inside the mouth between the patient’s gums and lower lip. Incisions created in the mouth are more likely to introduce bacteria into the human body but the end result of this procedure is an invisible scar.
Once the incisions are created and the chin implant either fabric or synthetic material is inserted and placed at the front of the jawbone. Then the plastic surgeon checks its appearance to achieve balance with the rest of the other facial features and also adjusts and adjusts the implants in order to ensure that the appropriate and harmonious appearance is achieved.
Once this procedure is completed, the chin implant is sewn in place, and thus the operation is over and completed. The stitches inside the mouth will dissolve after approximately ten days. Sutures outside the mouth are removed after approximately the same period.
Complications of chin surgery:
One of the most important questions that is often asked by those who are considering getting a chin implant is, “Is chin implant surgery safe?” Although it is rare, complications of chin implant surgery do occur. After the operation, the patient should expect bruising and swelling, which can last up to six weeks. Anesthesia-related complications can also occur, usually affecting the respiratory system.
Other risks include displacement of the chin implant after it has been placed. This may require a second procedure in order to adjust and adjust the implants for proper alignment. Infection can be a risk but can be controlled very effectively with antibiotics.
Chin implant surgery may damage small nerves and lip or chin numbness can also occur as a side effect of chin aesthetic surgery.
Chin augmentation costs:
The average cost of chin implant surgery is about $2,269, according to the American Society for Plastic Surgery. However, this amount does not include the cost of anesthesia, medications, operating room and other fees related to the surgery.
Usually, with all these costs included, the price for chin augmentation surgery as a complete procedure ranges from $3,000-$5,000. When consulting with a plastic surgeon about chin augmentation surgery and its alternatives. It is important to get a preoperative estimate of the total cost before making the final decision to undergo the surgery. Plastic surgery financing options are available to make this affordable for most budgets.
Chin reduction surgery:
In fact, some people find that the shape and appearance of their chin appears too large and out of proportion with other facial features. Through moderate reshaping of bone and other structural tissues, chin reduction surgery can create a more pleasing facial contour. No facial implants are necessary and the results should appear natural in every way.
Alternatively, when the chin is particularly prominent and sharp, making the nose or other facial features appear too small for the face, chin reduction surgery can provide a balanced appearance. Chin reduction surgery offers an effective solution to refining facial clarity and contouring the face.
Chin reduction surgery is a relatively simple procedure that is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon in order to transform and change the patient’s appearance for a better shape and create a more harmonious appearance in addition to helping the patient to feel better about his appearance.
Chin reduction surgery procedures:
In preparation for undergoing chin reduction surgery, the patient should avoid aspirin, as well as any medications that contain aspirin. In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be discontinued for at least one week prior to surgery. These drugs thin the blood and can prevent normal blood clotting and present an increased risk of bleeding and bruising.
As with chin augmentation surgery, chin reduction surgery begins with the surgeon making an incision inside the mouth (near the lower lip) or under the chin. Using specialized tools, the surgeon separates the bone at the tip of the chin, then reshapes the bone and removes excess bone to fit properly and contour the shape of the chin. He then repositions the tip with the remaining part of the chin and it is held together using wire. The surgeon then sews the incisions with sutures to complete the operation.
Risks and benefits of chin reduction surgery:
All surgeries have inherent risks and chin reduction surgery is associated with the following risks:
- The patient may experience swelling that lasts for several weeks or months while the bone heals.
- Infection is a less common risk when considering chin reduction surgery.
- Minor damage to the nerve, which can cause the patient to feel numbness in the lower lip and chin.
Adverse reactions to anesthesia that can affect the patient’s respiratory system.
Although these risks may be significant and important to consider and the potential for complications to a large extent, these complications are likely to be greatly reduced when chin reduction surgery is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon.
With care and skilled hands, chin reduction surgery can improve the appearance of the patient’s chin and boost self-confidence. Chin reduction surgery can create a more harmonious balance between the patient’s nose and chin as it creates a more equal proportion between the two. It can be performed in combination with facelift surgery as well as rhinoplasty surgery, and chin reduction surgery can be the final element in the process of creating an elegant and beautiful appearance.