chin implant

Chin implant in Turkey: the cost and keeping up with fashion

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In this article you will find everything you need to know about chin implant in Turkey from the method of the procedure and the techniques used, in addition to talking about the average prices and the total cost, the advantages offered by Beard transplantation in Turkey, the difference between beard hair transplantation and head hair transplantation, as well as in the article you will find some important tips after Which one you’d prefer.

The idea of (fashion) generally depends on the fact that a person is bored; he tends to change according to the psychological state and the age stage he lives, but we want you to know, dear reader, that beard transplants in Turkey are not just to keep up with fashion, it’s basically to be satisfied with yourself and your appearance, and it also represents an effective cosmetic solution for many who have suffered accidents or burns that affected the chin area and left voids in it.

However, we cannot deny the role that the fashion of long beards has played in increasing the number of Chin transplant experiments in Turkey now, as it accounts for about 30% of the total hair transplant operations in Turkey of various types. The majority of those who accept beard transplantation are young people between the ages of 25 and 35, who do not grow full beards, or suffer from the absence of a beard in the first place-the main thing – besides those who have suffered accidents and burns, as we mentioned.

How is Chin transplantation performed

The stages of Chin transplantation are no different from those used in head hair transplant; the appropriate hair follicles are harvested from the donor areas at the back of the scalp, and then redistributed to the target areas of the patient’s chin, to get a full beard.

Scientifically, the chin is divided into 7 areas, each of which needs about 200 follicles in order to get the appropriate coverage, and depending on the patient’s condition and the areas to be targeted in his own operation, the doctor will draw up a plan for surgery and the number of follicles he needs. The chin is divided into specific zones:

  • Cheeks-the area of the cheeks-.
  • Ancestors.
  • The jaws.
  • The mustache.
  • Introduction of the beard.
  • Hair down the front of the beard.
  • Neck hair.

Beard transplantation is often performed after injecting the donor areas and the target areas with local anesthesia needles, and the method of anesthesia for the donor areas when transplanting the chin is no different from the head transplant, but the anesthesia of the beard transplant areas is targeting specific nerves to get a successful operation without feeling any pain.

The time required for beard transplantation ranges from three to five hours, and it should be noted that the hair transplant doctor represents the main factor for obtaining natural results; by determining the depths of implantation of the transplanted follicles, which provides them with a suitable environment for stability and growth, in addition to determining the angles and types of follicles that fit the hair surrounding the target area, to obtain a harmonious appearance.

Beard transplant techniques in Turkey

First, we must warn that only your doctor can determine the ideal technique for your case, but below we review some information that may be useful to you in choosing the best hair transplant center in Turkey, which must keep up with the latest science continuously, and seeks to apply the latest technologies and make the most of the advantages and safety factors it offers.

The surgical methods used in Chin transplantation are no different from those generally found in the field of cosmetic hair transplants, but the old technique known as FUT or slide for hair transplantation did not have a role in Chin transplantation operations, as this cosmetic procedure began with the advent of FUE technology or hair transplantation by extraction, which depends on harvesting follicles from the donor area Individual, follicle after follicle.

Chin transplantation by excision

Previously, doctors used the FUT technique for head hair transplantation, where the doctor cuts out a slice of the scalp of the donor area and divides it into follicular units, then distributes it in proportion to the target areas, but such a method does not work with chin hair, which has special qualities.

After that, another surgical method of hair transplantation appeared, the main goal of which was to dispense with this gaping wound left by the operation in the back of the patient’s head, as a result of the fragmented slice, to use what is known as the punch device to harvest follicles one by one from the donor areas, and the FUE extraction technique is the scientific basis on which all the following developments and mutations in the Areas of cosmetic hair transplantation.

The process of beard transplantation with the extraction technique generally takes between 3 to 7 hours, depending on the nature of the procedure that is needed in each case; between increasing the density of some areas, treating accidents, or even transplanting the entire chin, the process goes through the same steps as usual when transplanting hair with extraction, although the anesthesia technique differs, along with the Which require experience and high competence of the surgeon, given the nature of the facial skin and its difference from the scalp.

Initially, the person is prepared for the operation, the most suitable donor areas are determined, in addition to drawing the beard and determining the number of transplanted follicles for each target area, then the patient is locally anesthetized before entering the operating room.

The chin transplant operation using the excision technique is carried out in three stages:

  • Harvest the appropriate follicles from the donor areas, where the doctor selects the monocotyledonous follicles, of the ideal color and thickness, and they are preserved in (Hypo Thermosol), a substance that protects the follicles from damage or death before transplantation, taking into account preservation at a low temperature.
  • The doctor uses very precise tools to make this channel suitable for the follicle in terms of depth, diameter and angles, which ensures an ideal environment that prevents the loss of transplanted follicles, and helps them grow faster.
  • Hair follicle transplantation, which is the last stage of the operation in which the surgeon implants the hair follicles in the channels prepared for them, and the more competent and experienced the doctor is, the more he will be able to preserve as much of the follicles as possible without exposing it to damage or death.

After the advent of FUE extraction technology, hair transplantation has witnessed many successive jumps, the latest and most famous of which these days is the DHI technology, which is based on an advanced tool, the Choi pens.

Beard hair transplantation with Choi pens

Hair transplantation with Choi pens has spread in Turkey over the past year clearly, especially for its ease of use in operations such as chin and eyebrow transplantation and other operations to increase hair density. Choi pens are a pen-shaped surgical instrument that has an edge with a hollow tooth, no more than one millimeter in diameter, used by the doctor after being fed with the follicle to implant it in the target areas.

The spread of Dhi or Choi pens for hair and beard transplantation is due to the advantages it has provided over previous techniques, the most important of which are:

  • Preserving the maximum amount of follicles used during the operation without exposing them to damage or death.
  • Hair transplantation is carried out in only two stages instead of three stages, since there is no longer a need to open the receiving channels before transplantation.
  • They give the doctor performing the operation greater control over the angles and depths of the transplanted follicles.
  • The time required for the operation is less than before, and therefore the need for anesthesia is less.
  • The scars found after the procedure are very subtle and not noticeable, and they also completely disappear in a matter of days.
  • The patient can go about his normal life from the day after the operation.
  • The final results of the hair or beard transplant are very natural and indistinguishable from the original hair.

When Chin transplantation in Turkey with Choi pens, the patient is equipped and the donor areas are determined, the number of follicles to be used during the operation, in addition to the method of distribution according to the situation, then the patient is subjected to appropriate anesthesia, often local anesthesia needles.

In the first stage of the operation, the doctor begins by harvesting the appropriate follicles from the patient’s head, either from the bottom of the back of the scalp in the middle or slightly to the sides, in accordance with the nature of the beard, where the follicles are harvested one by one according to the scientific basis of the FUE extraction technique, which is the cornerstone of the Choi pens technique.

In the second and final stage of this technique, the doctor uses a number of Choi pens, which are fed with the appropriate follicles sequentially by a team of trained assistants, and then the doctor implants them directly in the selected areas of the chin, which greatly saves the time needed for the operation. To find out if beard transplantation with Choi pens suits you or not,

The results of beard transplantation in Turkey at turkiwez

When you rely on a doctor who has the necessary experience and competence, especially in Turkey, then you cannot worry about the results of your chin transplant operation, as this type of operation is not only determined by the results based on the correctness of the procedures from a scientific point of view and the novelty of the techniques used, but it also needs a high aesthetic sense from. Therefore, we at Turkiyaholidays rely first and foremost on the experience and competence of our medical team.

The results of permanent beard transplantation begin to appear from the fifth or sixth month after the surgery, but it needs at least a full year to complete the final image. This does not mean that the difference does not seem obvious from the day after the operation, but the result that appears in the first three months is temporary, and soon this temporary hair falls out depending on the so-called natural hair growth cycle.

95% of those who perform chin implants in Turkey get the final results they wish for, but in Turkey we are distinguished by the naturalness of the results and their harmonious aesthetic appearance.

Beard transplant experiences in Turkey at Turkiyaholidays

It is worth noting that the discussion of the doctor during your first consultation before the operation about the expected results and the schedule for their appearance plays an important role in your psychological rehabilitation to successfully pass the stage of completion of the results without experiencing psychological crises, which will affect the growth rate of transplanted beard hair.

Also, the best chin Transplant Center in Turkey is the one that follows a precise follow-up system after the operation, to see how the results develop according to the expected schedule, and solve any problems the patient may face. We work according to a special follow-up System 3 times a month throughout the whole year, that is, until the patient reaches the expected final results, and we also provide our services for free consultation throughout the day, all days of the week.

The cost of chin implants in Turkey

The cost of beard transplantation in Turkey ranges between 1200 and 1500us dollars on average, depending on the nature of the case and the type of results to be obtained. It may be noticed that the cost of Chin transplantation is higher than the prices of head hair transplantation, due to the special anesthetic procedures required for beard transplantation, in addition to the experience and competence that must be available at the doctor, as he deals with the most sensitive areas of the body, the most affecting the overall appearance, and any mistake will cause deformities that are difficult to deal with. To find out the exact cost of beard transplantation for your particular case you can

As for the level of medical services for chin implants in Turkey, they are comparable and may exceed those in America and European countries, where the costs of beard transplantation sometimes reach about 10,000 US dollars, as well as the quality level in Turkey cannot be compared with that in some Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and others, which in some of its centers and clinics 8 thousand dollars.

Why Beard transplantation in Turkey is unique

It is enough for you to know, dear reader, that experts in the field of hair transplants around the world call Istanbul the world capital of hair transplantation, as it alone contains about 300 centers and clinics specialized in this field, which is equivalent to half of the Centers and clinics accredited according to the statistics of international associations, which means fierce competition between these centers to reach.

The number of chin implants performed annually in Turkish centers reaches about 30 thousand operations, which represents an invaluable experience for doctors and specialists in the field of hair transplantation in Turkey, where the doctor can deal with the most difficult and rare cases, because he has certainly dealt with a similar case before.

Add to this – although not a criterion that you can rely on when choosing-that the cost of beard transplantation in Turkey is considered the most appropriate for the level of international medical services that are provided, as the costs of these services in European countries exceed almost twice the price.

In Turkey, there are many companies specializing in medical tourism, which provide accommodation, transfers, interpretation and other services, which makes your trip easier and less expensive, so hair transplant centers in Turkey currently agree with such companies to ensure a comfortable treatment trip. To find out about accommodation packages, transfers, translation and sightseeing tours during your medical trip,

Tips to remember after chin implants

After choosing the beard transplant center or clinic that you trust in Turkey, and having the operation performed by an expert doctor who has made sure of the quality of his previous results, you will have passed the most difficult stage, and you only have to follow some simple tips and guidelines to get the best possible results, and avoid any problems or complications after the operation.

We can summarize the post-chin implant instructions as follows:

  • Avoid contact with the chin or transplanted hair after the operation completely, and take precautions not to get hit in this area.
  • Sleep on the back for the first three nights after beard transplantation, to spare the transplanted chin any friction.
  • Avoid bending over or tilting the head down, always keep it in a flat position as much as possible.
  • It is normal for crusts to appear on the transplanted hair during the first three weeks, and you will be provided with special care products and briefed on how to use them, which will help you get through this stage quickly, but avoid using any care products other than those that have been provided to you.
  • Do not expose yourself to unstable weather conditions such as wind and heavy rain, as well as avoid going out in direct sunlight.
  • Refrain from practicing any violent sports or exerting any excessive effort during the first month after beard transplantation.
  • If you are a smoker, it is preferable to quit smoking for two weeks after the procedure, so that the transplanted hair can get the oxygen and nutrition it needs for stability and growth.
  • Avoid swimming for at least a month after chin implants.
  • Avoid having sex for 10 days to two weeks after beard transplantation.
  • Discuss with the doctor about any diet, treatments and dietary supplements that can be taken during the first period after the chin transplant operation.

It is also important to quickly consult a doctor when you notice any unexpected symptoms after beard transplantation, or face unbearable complications, he is the only one who can help you and find the right solution.

With the wishes of the Turkish Waze team for everyone to have a successful beard transplant, and lasting health and wellness.

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