Neck Lift

Neck Lift: Cost And Steps To Getting Back To Your Youth

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The neck is one of the most important places for aging, as fatty deposits, polyps, vertical skin strips and horizontal wrinkles make us look older than we really are.
A neck lift enhances the appearance of the neck by tightening the skin and underlying muscles and improving the jawline. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with liposuction , a facelift, or a cheek lift, but it can also be done as a standalone procedure without the need for any other complementary procedures.

One of the most visible signs of aging occurs in the neck area. There are many changes that usually occur in these areas. The first is that the skin may wrinkle and show signs of aging, there may be horizontal ridges on the neck all the way to the thyroid cartilage. The skin may also become wrinkled and sometimes patients develop broken blood vessels and colored lines in this area. These are all physical changes in the skin that can be improved with a laser neck lift or other treatment methods. Laser neck tightening will help make the skin smoother and tighter, and there will be an aesthetic component in the neck as well.

The second change a person sees in the neck is that the skin itself begins to sag. There is also a loss of the sharp angle between the jawline, which marks the face, and the neck. Ideally, there should be a 90-degree angle between the neck and jaw as it moves vertically. A change occurs in the neck area below the chin. There are two types of conditions that require medical and therapeutic intervention to improve the appearance of an aging neck. The first is that some patients experience excess fat accumulating in these areas. This is referred to as the “turkey neck.” This sagging may be present only in the center of the neck, but it may also extend to the sides. Excess fat, of course, increases the weight of the neck, which puts an extra load on the bones, causing the neck to sag.

Some patients do not have much fat but suffer from loose skin. The skin itself sags, sometimes in conjunction with loose skin protrusion of muscle fibers occurs. Muscle fibers can become prominent in this area, especially if there is thinning of the skin and a loss of the neck’s normal appearance.

What can be treated by surgical neck lift?

  • Excess fat and relaxation of the skin in the lower face, which is sagging
  • Excess fatty deposits under the chin
  • Loose neck skin
  • Connect the muscles in the neck, which are abnormal features

Loss of youthful features in the face and neck can be the result of a variety of factors, including heredity, excess weight, environmental conditions, and stress. Some people feel that they are not ready for a full facelift because the upper face is still natural and attractive. However, many patients will notice excess wrinkles in the skin of the neck, double chin, turkey neck, and jaw lines.

A neck lift is not possible without surgery and is only available through surgical procedures. Non-surgical rejuvenation treatments cannot achieve the same results, but they may help delay the time when a neck lift becomes appropriate and complements the results of surgery.

People eligible for neck lift surgery

If you are interested in neck lift surgery, and want to know if you are a good candidate for the treatment, you should meet with a qualified plastic surgeon for a consultation. The operation benefits both men and women between the ages of 40 and 80, who wish to correct the neck and its problems such as:

  • Neck skin damage due to sun and wind factors
  • Double chin, including the fat under the chin
  • Turkey neck, loose and sagging neck skin
  • The jowls are the accumulation of skin and fat under the jaws
  • Excess fat in the neck or neck skin

The ideal candidate for a neck lift is someone whose skin still has some elasticity and who has realistic expectations for the surgery. The patient should be in good physical shape and be able to take at least a week off from normal activity.

A good candidate for neck lift surgery should have sufficiently elastic skin to be able to withstand a sufficient amount of stretching. Since the excess leather is cut off and the rest is pulled tight, the leather cannot be too thick or thin.

As with any surgery, good physical health is important for a successful procedure and a speedy recovery. If you have any serious medical conditions at all, it may increase your health risks during surgery or recovery, so it’s important to discuss these symptoms with your doctor.

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Neck lift surgery cost

A neck lift is an important body improvement procedure performed by a specialized plastic surgeon to tighten sagging skin around the neck area and make it appear firmer and more youthful. The procedure is voluntary, which means that insurance coverage will not be available. Therefore, the amount of money becomes an important starting point for people seeking a neck lift.

A specialist plastic surgeon will discuss all aspects of a neck lift, including its estimated costs, during the initial consultation. The surgeon’s priority will be to help the patient make an informed and wise choice.

Neck lift costs vary depending on several factors, including the type of surgical technique used and the difficulty of the surgery being performed. The plastic surgeon will recommend the appropriate technique according to the patient’s needs and explain the costs involved.

If the patient has excessive amounts of fatty tissue in the neck or under the chin, but the skin in the neck area is fairly elastic, the surgeon may suggest liposuction as a procedure to reshape the neck. Liposuction will be relatively less expensive compared to other neck lift techniques. Neck liposuction price will vary according to the amount of fat reduced and the liposuction technique.

A neck lift technique involves removing separated skin from the neck area. Then the skin is restored on the neck to create a smooth and attractive appearance. This procedure usually costs a little more than neck liposuction. In some cases, it may be combined with liposuction, which may increase costs.

If the neck muscles are loose or separated, the plastic surgeon may remove part of the neck muscle to create a flat and defined neck. This procedure is usually combined with a regular lift in order to achieve comprehensive results. The cost of this procedure alone may be higher than other neck lift techniques, but it is sometimes a necessary procedure.

In many cases, a neck and chin lift procedure can be combined with facelift surgery or another procedure to produce more consistent results. The general procedure becomes more cost effective when two or more surgeries are combined. At Turkiyaholidays Aesthetic Center, we offer unprecedented costs for patients who would like to undergo multiple cosmetic procedures at once. Also, we offer all our patients from outside Turkey many facilities and offers that make the costs of the operation a matter of no concern to them.

The total cost of a neck lift will include components such as anesthesia costs, plastic surgeon fees, surgical room costs, and post-operative expenses such as prescription drugs, medical tests, compression garments, and frequent visits to the surgeon’s office. However, at Turkiyaholidays, we do not charge any fees for the initial consultation or any subsequent follow-up visits, if any, in an attempt to provide the best prices for our patients from outside Turkey.

The cost of the operation and its components can vary from one surgeon to another and even from one patient to another in the same operation. The patient must be aware of all components of the cost card in order to obtain a clear estimate of the cost and plan its financing properly.

What should I expect during the initial neck lift consultation?

During your neck lift surgery, you should be prepared to discuss some of the things your surgeon asks about so that he has a general idea of ​​your condition. The initial consultation may include discussing these matters:

  • Your surgical goals
  • Medical conditions and allergies to drugs and medical treatments
  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use
  • Previous surgeries

Your plastic surgeon will also perform some initial procedures:

  • Evaluate your general health and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
  • Discuss your rejuvenation options
  • Study and measure your facial features
  • Take pictures before the operation
  • Determine the course of treatment
  • Discuss the possible results of a neck lift and any potential risks or complications
  • Discuss the type of anesthesia that will be used

It is very important to understand all aspects of a neck lift procedure. It’s normal to feel a little anxious, whether it’s excitement about your expected new look or a little stress before surgery. Don’t be shy about discussing these feelings with your plastic surgeon.

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How can I prepare for a neck lift?

Your surgeon will provide comprehensive preoperative instructions, answer any questions you may have, take a detailed medical history, and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery.

Before the operation, the surgeon will ask you to stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing the surgery to promote better healing. Avoid taking aspirin, some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and some herbal medicines that can cause increased bleeding. Regardless of the type of surgery to be performed, hydration is very important before and after surgery for a safe recovery. Neck lift surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis, especially if only liposuction is performed. However, if a more extensive surgery is planned, you will likely spend a night in the hospital so that you can be monitored for potential problems. Make sure you arrange for someone to drive you home when you leave the surgery room and to stay with you for at least the first night in the hospital.

What can I expect on the day of neck lift surgery?

Neck lift surgery can be performed in an accredited hospital, or an equipped surgical suite. The duration of a neck lift can range from one to three hours or more, depending on the complexity of the procedure and whether the neck muscle is to be tightened.

  • Medicines are used to get relief during the surgical procedure.
  • General anesthesia during a neck lift is usually best, although local anesthesia or intravenous sedation may be desirable in some cases.
  • To keep you safe during surgery, various monitors will be used to check your heart, blood pressure, pulse, and the amount of oxygen circulating in your blood.
  • Your surgeon will follow the surgical plan that was discussed with you before surgery.

After your procedure is complete, you will be taken to a recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored. You will have drainage tubes in place for the operation. You may be asked to stay overnight for observation unless you and your plastic surgeon have made other plans for your immediate postoperative recovery.

Preparing for neck lift surgery

Surgery is an exciting and sometimes scary experience, and for this you need to be prepared both physically and mentally. The preparation for neck lift surgery will be different for each person as the preparation depends on your previous lifestyle. Obviously, every person is different, and every surgeon is different, so talk to your surgeon about what is appropriate and necessary to prepare you before performing the operation.

  • Quit smoking : For anyone who smokes, it is necessary to stop smoking before undergoing neck lift surgery. Not only does it improve your general health before surgery, but it also helps in the recovery period after surgery. If you start smoking again, or during the operation, the patient will be at risk of skin necrosis after surgery.
  • Blood and pregnancy tests : Initial blood tests may be done to check your health. Checking your red and white blood cell count will indicate if there are any hidden health problems. For women, a pregnancy test may also be performed to ensure that the woman is not under too much physical stress during the surgery. If the woman is pregnant, the surgery will be postponed.
  • Mental Health : Mental health is just as important as physical health. If something serious happens during the period leading up to your neck lift date, consider delaying the procedure. If you have recently experienced stress, this can exacerbate postoperative depression. If you were healthy and emotionally happy before the surgery, you should prepare yourself mentally for how you will look immediately after neck lift surgery. Even for the strongest of people, it can be extremely shocking.
  • Post-Neck Lift Surgery Care : On the practical side of things, you should also prepare for the post-operative care of yourself. Usually a family member or friend can help. They will need to take you home and let you off your feet for at least 3 days. Therefore, it is imperative that any child is taken care of by friends or family, especially young children. This is because you will not be able to move your head or lift anything without the risk of bleeding and opening the stitches.

How to perform a neck lift

Neck lift surgery is one of the most transformative procedures in aesthetic medicine. By removing excess skin and fat deposits from the neck area, and possibly restructuring the underlying muscles, a qualified plastic surgeon can significantly rejuvenate a patient’s appearance. This procedure, in itself, is one of the safest and most effective procedures in plastic surgery. In fact, with the advances made in surgical technology over the past decade, modern neck lift surgery can be performed with minimal incisions and scars while achieving exceptional results and a natural appearance.

It should be noted that although neck lift surgery is a safe procedure, it is still a major surgery. As such, patients should expect to make some adjustments to their lifestyles in the weeks leading up to the procedure. Alcohol, excessively fatty and sugary foods, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen should be avoided. Likewise, smokers should be prepared to stop smoking in the weeks leading up to and after undergoing neck lift surgery, because tobacco consumption can interfere with the healing process. Patients will attend an appointment between their initial consultation and their actual surgery, where they are given complete pre- and post-operative instructions.

A neck lift is a relatively simple procedure that generally lasts between two and three hours. The type of anesthesia given at the beginning of the procedure depends largely on the preferences of the patient and the surgeon. Many patients only need local anesthesia with sedation. However, some choose to be unconscious during the surgery and opt for general anesthesia.

The scope of the procedure varies according to patients’ unique needs and goals. Some patients achieve the desired results with simple liposuction, which involves removing excess deposits of fat from the neck. More realistic results can be achieved by removing excess skin and fat along with tightening and restructuring the underlying muscles. Neck lift surgery is often performed in conjunction with other facial surgeries, such as a facelift, brow lift, and eyelid lift.

Traditional operation techniques and modern techniques allow surgeons to perform neck lift surgery using very small incisions, usually placed discreetly behind the ears and under the chin. Through these incisions, excess fat is removed, either through liposuction or by surgical excision. If desired, the stagnant muscle can be stretched. In some cases, even a small portion of the muscle hidden in the neck tissue can be removed. Once appropriate work-up involving the underlying tissues has been completed, the skin will be replaced and pulled taut, and the openings closed. Any excess skin will be removed at this point.

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What are the defects that a neck lift surgery can treat?

A neck lift can get rid of the strips of skin and fat that accumulate with age, in addition to highlighting the patient’s jaw and reducing the sloppy appearance that sometimes occurs as well. It cannot completely restore a patient’s skin to its youthful state, but it can make a person look younger. Also, the impression of weight loss can be achieved with a neck lift, although the patient should speak to the doctor to set reasonable expectations.

Sometimes a neck lift is combined with liposuction, precisely removing fat around the neck that has been difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise. After liposuction, excess skin can be tightened and treated, creating a more attractive appearance.

These reasons are the main factor that most of those who get a neck lift are between the ages of 40-60 but the procedure has also been performed on younger and older patients.

For patients who undergo a neck lift, recovery and results will vary according to several factors, some of which are unique to the patient. There are some common elements of the postoperative experience among most patients. What patients have to understand in surgery is that no matter the scope of their procedure, the results will not be immediately apparent. A neck lift is an invasive procedure that includes some downtime and a recovery period. In most cases, the full results of the procedure take three to six months to reveal themselves. When this is done, most patients look younger and slimmer, results that can last for many years for patients who lead healthy lifestyles.

The best way to ensure the fastest neck recovery and optimal results is to entrust your cosmetic surgery to an experienced surgeon with a history of consistently excellent results. During your initial consultation with your surgeon, be sure to ask plenty of questions about their credentials, educational and professional backgrounds, and success rate. Also ask to view before and after photos of actual patients who have had neck lift surgery, either on their own or as part of a more comprehensive treatment plan.

Recovery after a neck lift

Patients undergoing a neck lift should be prepared to take time off from work, starting with one to two weeks. For the first twenty-four hours after surgery, patients should be accompanied by a friend or family member, as movement will be difficult. The first days will be spent primarily in bed, taking prescription pain medication to control any pain or discomfort. It is important for patients to have several loose-fitting or open-front shirts or blouses, as pulling clothing over the head may interfere with healing.

Even after returning to work, patients should be careful to avoid vigorous activity, such as heavy lifting or sports, for a few weeks. As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection and bleeding associated with neck lift surgery. Bruising and swelling, especially in the first few days after surgery, is inevitable. Patients should pay attention to any signs that healing is not progressing properly, such as pus and pus at the incision sites, and contact their surgeons immediately if there are any potential problems.

Of course, the recovery period will be longer for patients who combine neck lift surgery with other procedures, such as a facelift or brow lift.

Neck lift results

The results of a neck lift generally improve over time, even after the patient has recovered from the surgery. Optimal results are usually achieved within six months. Patients who abstain from smoking, alcohol, and other lifestyle habits that can impair results are likely to recover and achieve their desired appearance more quickly.

Postoperative incisions are usually minimal, especially when a neck lift is performed by a highly experienced surgeon. A neck lift and better jawline definition surgery usually lasts between five and ten years.

Benefits of a neck lift

There are a number of benefits that patients will notice with a neck lift surgery, including:

  • Natural-looking results, where no one will notice you’ve got your work done
  • Rapid recovery period, from one to three weeks
  • Achieving a more attractive and younger appearance
  • Enhancing self-confidence
  • The operation can be combined with other cosmetic procedures
  • Safe treatment with very few potential risks
  • Correction of a number of cosmetic problems
  • Unnoticeable scars

Neck lift risks

There are risks with any type of surgery, and cosmetic procedures are no exception. When choosing to undergo a neck lift, the patient may be at risk of infection and possible sensitivity to the anesthesia. The patient may also experience excessive scarring from a neck lift and other complications, such as:

  • Collection of blood under the skin
  • Fluid collection under the skin
  • Neck tightness. This can happen if the skin is stretched too much during surgery
  • Numbness: Patients often experience numbness at the incision site after surgery
  • Skin irregularities. This can include lumpiness or spasms
  • Patients’ dissatisfaction with the results of a neck lift, asymmetry and other problems may lead to the need for revision surgery
  • Deep vein thrombosis

However, the occurrence of these complications is very rare, and it can be reduced further with the selection of an experienced doctor. Patients should be sure to tell their doctor about any medical conditions or current medication they are taking to reduce the risk of serious problems after surgery.

Neck lift side effects

Patients suffer from some side effects during neck lift surgery. The most common side effects associated with neck lift surgery include:

  • swelling
  • bruises
  • Discomfort
  • scars

Swelling, bruising, and postoperative discomfort are at their worst in the first two to three days after surgery. Over the course of the next week, these side effects should begin to diminish. Two weeks after the surgery, most of the pain, bruising, and swelling are gone, and patients will begin to notice the results of the surgery. The remaining swelling may take up to three months to go down.

Scars are the downside of neck lift surgery. However, surgeons will make every attempt to reduce the size of the incision, and the position of the incision will be as conservative as possible, so the resulting scars will not be obvious.

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