Teeth are the most important elements for showing the beauty of the mouth and face in general, especially when smiling and when eating. Consistency between the teeth is the way to appear aesthetically decent and attractive, but if you suffer from problems in this consistency and alignment of the teeth, you will feel ashamed every time you try to open your mouth, and self-confidence will decrease.
Aesthetic medicine targets every disturbing condition that may cause psychological, aesthetic, or health problems as well. Disproportionate teeth distort the aesthetic appearance and also negatively affect the psychological state due to shyness and lack of self-confidence, and the attempt to close the mouth every time the patient smiles or speaks with emotion, and also affects the health of the mouth, such as the spread of problems of tooth decay and damage resulting from matching and crowding of teeth.
What is the orthodontic process?
Orthodontics is a section of dentistry that searches for ways to treat and repair teeth that suffer from symmetrical and symmetrical occlusion defects, and dental symmetry defects come in several forms, including teeth that are not aligned naturally, or one of these teeth is out of the upper or lower row of the mouth, or The uneven sizes of the adjacent teeth, which makes them inconsistent, and thus causes problems in the bite of the teeth together.
It also treats defects that affect the upper or lower jaws of the mouth, such as the difference in the width of the jaws from each other, or crookedness and narrowness in either of them, or the distances between the teeth as well, which may represent an aesthetic obstacle to the mouth if it exceeds the natural aesthetic space.
The orthodontic process corrects the position of teeth that have problems in alignment and symmetry from the root area, and not only through the upper coronary area visible to the tooth.
Orthodontics may not be suitable in all cases due to the large distance between the teeth forward and backward, which hinders the process of correcting the desired position easily, so surgical intervention is sometimes necessary to adjust the position of the roots above the upper or lower jaw of the mouth so that the doctor can perform the orthodontic procedure properly.
Types of orthodontic procedures in Turkey
The types of orthodontics differ among themselves on the basis of several criteria that determine the type of orthodontics used for each patient separately according to his individual condition. These criteria guide the doctor to the appropriate type of orthodontics available to the patient.
Accordingly, the cost of the expected orthodontic process is determined, the form of the orthodontic used in the process. The material from which the orthodontics is supposed to be made, as well as the expected defects of the type of orthodontics used, and the extent to which they can be avoided in the future.
There are types of orthodontics that differ among themselves on the basis of the material used for the orthodontic method, its location, and how it is installed over the teeth.
The types of orthodontic operations in Turkey are divided into two main types:
- Animated orthodontics.
- Fixed orthodontics.
Removable orthodontic
This type of orthodontics is relatively cheap compared to other types, and it is also simple to install, but the cases in which this type is used are limited cases compared to other types.
The removable orthodontic are used to fix the teeth after the traditional orthodontic procedure and remove it, to ensure the stability and survival of the teeth in their new location.
The moving braces consist of a base made of plastic, which is light and comfortable, and metal wires are installed on it to pull the teeth, but within certain limits, and they do not have the ability to pull the teeth to a new position.
One of the advantages of this type is that it is easy to clean and remove, and it is worn for short hours during the day or according to the doctor’s orders. The treatment period using non-fixed orthodontics may last for a period between 6 months, and sometimes it lasts for a whole year, depending on the patient’s condition and the requirements of his teeth.
There are two types of removable braces that can be used in most cases without side effects:
- A type made of transparent or colored plastic that is formed in the image of the jaw to be modified, whether it is the upper or lower jaw. It is considered one of the types that are comfortable for the patient and is easy to remove and clean.
- Another type made of metal wire is shaped like one of the upper or lower jaws of the mouth, and the doctor installs and tightens it over the front side of the teeth.
To perform the operation in Turkey and to know the type of orthodontics that is most suitable for your case, in addition to the exact costs,
Fixed orthodontics
Fixed braces or non-removable braces are among the most common and effective types of braces. However, it is necessary to select a skilled doctor in cases of fixed braces, as the process of installing them requires extensive experience and extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the patient’s jaw bones and how to deal with the angles of the teeth and correct them.
There are several types of fixed orthodontics in Turkey, each of which is distinct from the other and unique in treating specific cases. Among these types:
The traditional orthodontics
This type of braces is very suitable for adults who have problems with the alignment of the teeth, and it is considered one of the cheapest types of braces known and the easiest in the installation process, so it can be done by a regular dentist and it does not require a consultant or a highly skilled specialist to do such a traditional braces.
Stainless metals are used, which the doctor forms in the form of small brackets on the surface of the teeth to be adjusted and corrected. After that, the brackets are fixed with strong adhesives over each tooth, so that the tooth and the metal bracket above it are fixed with the adhesive.
The doctor connects these brackets together with a metal wire made of non-rust material or discoloration, and pulls this wire between the brackets so that it supports the path of the teeth in the desired shape.
One of the most important defects of metal braces is that it is clearly prominent on the teeth, which makes it bad in appearance, and more than that, with the passage of time it will cause wounding and inflammation of the gums and the lining of the mouth above, due to continuous friction, and this inflammation may be a direct cause of caries and mouth ulcers if It was not handled properly.
However, one of the most important advantages of the traditional metal orthodontics is that it is one of the cheapest known types of orthodontics, due to the low cost of the materials used and the lack of the need for it to be performed by a professional specialist.
internal orthodontics
Sometimes the small jaw space is a reason for crowding of the teeth and not aligning them in a natural, consistent manner. In this case, the traditional metal braces may not produce the required results, as the teeth cannot be properly connected and tightened from the outside.
In such cases, it is possible to connect the teeth from the inside, where the inner surface of the teeth is more appropriate, because it will push them forward until they settle in the normal position.
One of its most important advantages is that it adjusts the position of the teeth. It also has the ability to widen the small jaw bones and improve the shape of the outer face.
One of the advantages of internal braces is that it is not visible in the mouth due to its presence on the inner surface of the teeth, and the patient avoids any shame due to the presence of braces in the mouth.
Metal materials are used similar to those used in traditional metal braces, and therefore are not rusty. However, the most important disadvantage of this type of orthodontics is that one of the teeth causing jaw crowding must be extracted so that there is enough space to pull the teeth into the appropriate new position.
Internal orthodontics is considered one of the most expensive types of orthodontics in Turkey and the world, because it is done in a complex manner and with high accuracy from inside the mouth, which makes it need work and effort, and internal orthodontics must be done by a professional doctor because of the accuracy and experience he needs in the same type of orthodontics.
Modern technologies in the field of orthodontics in Turkey have made the difficulty of implementing internal orthodontics easier thanks to the use of auxiliary devices in the implementation of the basic stage.
orthodontics using porcelain
One of the best known types of braces that are preferred by many adults, as this type of braces provides them with a better aesthetic appearance than metal braces, and it is not noticeable during speech.
Some special types of porcelain are used that suit the natural color of the teeth, where the color of the porcelain that represents the bracket based on the tooth has the same color, and these supports are linked by a very thin metal wire that is barely noticeable between the teeth, due to its identification with the color of the porcelain based on the tooth. the teeth.
The defect of braces using porcelain stems from the use of a thin metal wire that changes color over time and requires periodic follow-up with the doctor for the purpose of continuous cleaning.
The cost is also much greater than the cost of metal braces; Because it depends on expensive materials and requires a skilled doctor in the installation process. Also among the defects that could be secondary is the ease of breaking porcelain due to its poor material while chewing food.
Transparent orthodontics
This type of braces is the most common, thanks to its feature that makes it unnoticeable while chewing food and speaking, as transparent braces are made of transparent plastic materials or ceramics that match the natural tooth color.But each of these materials has its advantages and disadvantages, and the most suitable for the patient is chosen on the basis of his individual condition. You can
get a free consultation from Turkiyaholidays and leave the knowledge of the most suitable for your case to us.
This type of braces cannot be used with complex alignment problems and difficult teeth crowding problems, because it is not strong and is not suitable for pulling the teeth strongly, but it is a very good braces for mild braces that do not contain complex problems in the alignment of the teeth.
The cost problem is the most common in transparent aligners because it must be done by a specialist who is experienced in this type of aligners, and therefore it is more expensive than any other type of aligners.
How is orthodontics performed in Turkey?
Orthodontics in Turkey is performed according to each individual case for each patient separately, and according to the desired results of the patient, there are many cases that differ from each other in several respects:
- The dentist makes a proper diagnosis of the patient’s condition and carries out the necessary x-rays, pictures and medical examinations so that the doctor confirms the patient’s need for orthodontics.
- The first actual stage in the orthodontic procedure is to clean the teeth properly in order to make it easier for the doctor to determine the angles of each tooth and how to deal with the problems of misalignment of the teeth.
- The patient’s mouth is opened by the jaw lift tool so that the whole mouth is clear and ready for the installation of braces.
- Metal, ceramic, or plastic brackets are installed, depending on the type of braces, over the teeth using strong adhesives for the process, and the fixation is according to the shape of the teeth and their adjoining with other teeth.
- The doctor connects these abutments with each other using a special type of metal wire, so that the teeth that are not aligned respond to the tension process, which will restore them to their new normal position, and the tension process takes place according to the incompatibility of the teeth, so this step differs from one patient to another according to the patient’s response to the operation screwing up.
- The small aids installed are removed first, which only act as a bridge to fix the teeth in the new position, and thus the teeth are left in their shape until the desired results of the orthodontic process are achieved.
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How long does the orthodontics might remain and what are the least possibilities?
It is natural that there is no time barrier or a specific ceiling for the duration of orthodontics; Because this process depends on the patient’s individual condition that distinguishes each case from the other, and there is no doubt also that the condition of the gums and the extent of their safety greatly affect the duration of the orthodontic stay in the patient’s mouth.
The patient’s response to the treatment and the acceptance of the teeth for the new position that is imposed on them are among the important factors in determining the duration of the orthodontic treatment. After each passing period, the patient visits the attending physician to determine the health condition of the gums, the orthodontics that were installed, and the extent of the mouth’s ability to perform the operation.
During the period of the follow-up session, the doctor determines the expected period for completing the orthodontic process, and it is necessary to regularly clean the teeth periodically and be careful not to bite violently while the orthodontic is in the patient’s mouth, so that this does not cause problems for the position of the wires and supports.
Based on the aforementioned influencing factors in the orthodontic process, there is no time limit for the orthodontic process that can be mentioned for all patients. Each patient has his own condition and the nature of his teeth is distinct from others.
Also, each type of orthodontics has a default period that differs from the other types. Fixed braces, for example, are supposed to rest on the patient’s teeth for a period of one to three years. It is possible to list the factors that greatly determine the duration of orthodontics until the patient settles on the period that is supposed to be suitable for his condition:
- The type of orthodontics determined by the doctor for each individual case.
- The skill and experience of the attending physician.
- The competence of the laboratory that performs the fixtures, wires and supports.
- The extent of teeth intertwining, alignment, and overlap with adjacent fangs.
- In some cases, the doctor must extract some teeth that are significantly out of proportion, or that they are redundant to the jaw and its energy.
- How well the patient responds to treatment instructions and doctor’s orders.
- The degree of crookedness of the teeth and their superposition on top of each other.
- The degree of symmetry of the jaws together and the extent to which the jaws are narrow or wide apart.
- The patient’s need for surgery to correct some orthopedic issues or alignment problems.
- The age of the patient may not be a barrier to completing the orthodontic process.
- The patient’s health condition according to the pictures and medical examinations that are conducted before the operation.
Orthodontic prices in Turkey
Cost is one of the biggest concerns for patients, especially if they want specific results that require more advanced procedures.
However, among many countries involved in providing these cosmetic services, we find that the cost of orthodontics in Turkey is optimal, and cannot be compared with many countries in the Middle East, especially if we take into account the standard of quality of medical services provided.
Orthodontic prices in Turkey range between $1,000 and $2,500, but of course this depends on the diagnosis of the condition and the nature of the procedures and materials used, as mentioned above.
Follow-up after orthodontics in Turkey
After the braces remain in the patient’s mouth for a period that allows him to adjust the position of the teeth at the discretion of the attending physician, the doctor removes the braces and fully sees the final results after the necessary time has passed.
The doctor then determines whether the patient needs to complete the orthodontics in another way or whether he needs any change in the treatment plan, but there is no doubt that the patient will always need a stage of care and follow-up after removing the orthodontics.
The most important part after completing the removal of the braces from the patient’s mouth is the doctor’s competence in removing all the materials attached to the mouth due to the removal of the braces.
One of the most important follow-up steps after removing the braces is to take some medical pictures of the mouth area, often x-rays or CT scans in rare cases, in order to show the doctor the compatibility and stability of the teeth in their new position.